EFTMRA Accredited Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner Course, Christchurch, NZ
TBA North Ryde, AustraliaPre requisite EFT level 1 and 2 Matrix Reimprinting is the powerhouse use of EFT. Through this process, you will
Pre requisite EFT level 1 and 2 Matrix Reimprinting is the powerhouse use of EFT. Through this process, you will
2 Days of the Matrix Reimprinting Foundation Course plus 2 days of Specific Issues. Purpose of 2 days Specific Issues
Note from Karl Dawson- Creator of Matrix Reimprinting re Matrix Past Life Reimprinting. Earlier this year I had a
Through my own journey of healing past lives with MR and that of clients over the past 7 years, I
Through my own journey of healing past lives with MR and that of clients over the past 7 years, I
We understand there can be quite a bit of confusion with the various EFT Training Authorities and which
Pre requisite EFT level 1 and 2 (3 days) Matrix Reimprinting is the powerhouse use of
Helping students become more confident, resilient and successful at a core level, at a time that it's most needed. Are
**Due to the current rules about gatherings, I have been contacted by a lot of perspective students asking
Pre requisite EFT level 1 and 2 (3 days) Matrix Reimprinting is the powerhouse use
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