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Helping students become more confident, resilient and successful at a core level, at a time that it’s most needed.

Are you, or are you the parent of children struggling with schooling in general or certain topics?

Do you have a child, who is interesting in effectively learning about Psychology and would like to follow a new career path, far more effective than ‘talk therapy? 

Maybe they are concerned about getting the required ENTER score?

Have struggles in general that are affecting their schoolwork?

EFT is a brilliant self empowerment tool, to deal with life stresses and fears in the moment. It can be so easy to use, that I have taught it to all year levels at a Victorian Primary school, including preps.

At a deeper level, it can be used to heal life issues. With this course, it will be tailored to year 10 students upwards, to help prepare them for VCE and their future in general.

It is a perfect tool to remove blocks to subjects, by understanding and healing when  the block occurred and healing it on a sub conscious  level. The same with addressing relevant life issues, such as relationships, bullying etc

We will be learning, many aspects of psychology that is not taught in schools (but should be) or for that matter University.

If your child would like to learn it as the stepping stone to a career in Psychology, this course is a great place to start, we have additional courses that add onto this, that take days not years to complete and yet achieve amazing results with issues across the board, such as food cravings, performance anxiety, insomnia, phobias, depression, stress, physical and emotional pain and much more.


Lauren Browne age 24, attended the EFT Courses 2 1/2 years ago

“Before I had done EFT with Caroline, I was having problems with anxiety and confidence issues, and I wasn’t able to stand up for myself due to being bullied back in school. After doing the EFT course it improved my life in many ways. My self confidence improved, I am now able to stand up for myself and speak my truth and feel comfortable to be myself and speak my truth anytime. I am now more confident and I now have a technique that I can turn to if I ever feel I am getting anxious or needing to boost my confidence in anyway. EFT is worth it for improving the quality of your life and helping you learn something that you can use in any situation or stressful part in your life”

Might I say at this stage, that I am not a trained psychologist. My background is Nursing, however I have helped hundreds of people with issues in this manner over the past 13 years with great results and learnings, beyond what is in books and I am very passionate about sharing and proving this.

I have also have had many psychologists, medical Drs, councillors and people from many backgrounds attend.

*We teach EFT in a very direct, easy way, that is easy to learn and apply. All the information comes from the client which in turn allows fast results. This is in comparison to some ways of applying EFT which is quite ‘wordy’ for the Practitioner, takes more skill and the need to create phrases.
*We have no pre requisites to learn EFT. Just an open mind and willingness to learn.
We welcome students from all different backgrounds, whether you are a parent, teacher, psychologist, alternative therapist, GP, Nurse, for personal reasons or just want start a new exciting career path helping others to make a difference in the World.
*Whilst we are not an Association ourselves, you can join one such as IICT, an International Association that recognises and supports both EFT and Matrix Reimprinting and you can get insurance at the same time.
*The EFT courses start at a very basic level and work up from there. They include a combination of learning the theory of EFT, it’s application for various issues such as food cravings,, group discussion, volunteer demonstrations, group and individual healing practice.
*I keep course groups to a limit of 13, so that there can be more time spent with individual students in a comfortable, safe environment.
*There are few EFT Trainers in the World who have studied, Meta Health or Biocompass, however I have been learning this for about 10 years.
What is Biocompass?
It is an emotional diagnostic tool that allows us to understand, when there is a physical issue, the theme of trauma that needs to be healed ie Kidney issues are related to isolation and abandonment.
Students love the introduction of these concepts into the EFT courses. Very empowering knowledge that is a complement to the EFT learning experience.
How you will benefit from attending the EFTMRA Courses:
*This course is a transformative experience apart from all the light bulb moments you will have.
Through practicing the technique of EFT, you will have the opportunity to heal your own limiting beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you.
You will leave feeling more confident, higher self esteem and more able to manage inevitable life events.
You will notice that you experience the World and the people in it, in a more positive light, now that you understand more about human psychology and what drives negative behaviours. This is very empowering.
Your Trainer, Caroline, has 13 years experience of using EFT on both herself and with clients.
She has been using Matrix Reimprinting since it’s beginnings and is known to be one of the best Practitioners in the World as well as being an International Trainer.
She has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with you on many different topics especially healing from abuse and autism.
*We guarantee that you will love the whole experiences that these courses have to offer, feeling confident in your ability to use EFT on both yourself and others (family, friends, clients).
Career Personal Development points: Depending on your profession these courses may be used for your personal development. Each day is 6 points.

Normally $795 for the 3 days, I have reduced it to $450 as a school holiday special to encourage parents and children to start this exciting path.
For more information, availability or to register please contact Caroline M:0410417053

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