E.F.T. and Matrix Reimprinting Training
Discover the latest developments in energy healing.
Take charge of your life and help others to make positive changes in theirs.
Doctors, hypnotherapists and psychologists around the world are using EFT and Matrix Re-imprinting in their practice, and are discovering how easy and effective it is to deliver outstanding and lasting results for their clients when compared to conventional treatments/methods.
We provide full training and certification to health practitioners from all different backgrounds across Australia and New Zealand.
Click on the links below to find out more, and browse through the training courses available in coming months.

Challenges I can help you with include;
- Anger management
- Relationships
- Money
- Health
- Weight Loss
- Phobias (including public speaking)
- Sports performance
- Persistent stress and anxiety
- Business results
Our Mission.
Every day, we assist healing facilitators to become the best possible version of themselves.
Emotional Freedom Techniques
The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system. Our physical pains and diseases are connected with our emotions. Unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases. EFT has provided thousands of people with relief from pain, diseases and emotional issues. It is a unique version of acupuncture but without the needles. Instead, you stimulate energy meridian points (tapping points) on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process is easy to memorize and is portable so you can do it anywhere. EFT often works where nothing else will, and will allow you to bring freedom into your life where you thought none was possible.
Matrix Reimprinting
Would you like freedom from negative core-beliefs that are holding you back? We hold on to stressful life events from our past, not just as memories but as specific energy bodies. The Matrix Reimprinting technique enables you to pinpoint where negative core-beliefs were formed and rewrite them quickly and easily. This changes our relationship to our past, and positively affects our emotional and physical health in the present. This process can be self applied and can empower you to imprint yourself with positive beliefs and finally move forward. Matrix Reimprinting is a variation on the original EFT protocol and is producing extraordinary results in helping people move forward with their lives.
Past Life Healing
The “Integrated Past Life Healing Practitioner’ course incorporates, what I’ve found to be the most profound information and education, based on the courses that I teach and also that of some very special colleagues, who have also helped me on this journey of understanding many aspects of past lives, especially more ways to access them in order to heal. Any form of wholistic healing, needs to consider incorporating the mind, body and soul, hence why I’m so excited to have met the other trainers into this training program, who I believe are some of the best in the World at what they do. They will expand your knowledge and experiences both to help you to then assist your clients.
Meta-health is about the mind body connection, and the art of self-healing. It is based on 10 main principles which completely redefine our understanding of disease, healing and health. According to Meta-medicine, there is not only a mind body connection but actually a very precise organ/mind/brain/social connection. Each area of our brain corresponds to a specific organ and a specific conflict or trauma and an environmental/social experience. Researchers also found that biological conflict shocks (significant emotional experiences) always precede disease. When you integrate an understanding of meta health with EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, you have a very powerful combination.
Schools Program
Now, more than ever before, children are under a lot of stress. They are dealing with the trauma of being bullied, pressured to perform well, have low self-esteem, and are dealing with parents splitting up. They don’t always know who to talk to or sometimes even realise that they need to talk to someone at all. ‘EFT for kids’ is a self-empowering tool, which has many benefits to help deal with all the stresses of school and life outside school. A key point with EFT is that it is simple to teach and easy to use, which is why it has been so successful when working with children’s issues. Children using EFT feel more relaxed and better about themselves. They can use it anywhere and anytime and it can be fun too!