Have you ever wanted to help people, but didn’t know how?

Ready for a very rewarding career change, that can be established in just 5 days and then just practice after that?

Ever wanted to help your family and friends heal from emotional and physical pain, but didn’t know how?

Well you are in the right place!

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, Tapping) are very simple to learn and apply tools, but get better permanent results, than many other modalities and quickly.

Choose to do just 3 days of the EFT level 1 and 2 Certified Workshop or, as most people do, get REALLY excited by also attending the Matrix Reimprinting 2 day Foundation workshop.

Even by just attending these workshops and experiencing these tools, you will be able to leave more empowered in your life and the potential to heal your own disease processes, such as chronic pain.

For more information, please go to:


To have any questions or to register, please contact Caroline:
