Hi there,

If you are looking to find a way to profoundly change your life and find your true life purpose, you have opened this email for a reason 🙂

Wether you have chronic stress, pain, anxiety or depression or just about anything, these tools can help!

My name is Caroline and my greatest passion is helping you to transform your life 🙂

The main reason I started Aura Wellness Sanctuary, was to  have a beautiful space for students to learn both EFT (Tapping) and the powerhouse use of  EFT –  Matrix Reimprinting.

( We have 2 Hay House published Matrix Reimprinting books translated in 10 Countries-
Matrix Reimprinting using EFT by Karl Dawson and Sasha Allenby
Transform Your Beliefs, Transform Your Life’ by Karl Dawson and Kate Marillat)

Whilst EFT is powerful in it’s on right and gets great results, previous students have described EFT as ‘the bomb’ and MR the ‘Atomic bomb’- there is a reason for that.

On these courses you will discover why and how we can change sub conscious beliefs, which is the key to core healing.

I tend to just have small intimate trainings so we can all get to know each other, create a safe and supportive  environment, which students have appreciated in the past.

My website has more information on the courses page:


The next EFT Certified Course commences 17th February for 3 days
The next MR 20th and 21st Feb

Just the nature of the courses allows core healing over the days, so if you choose to become a Practitioner then that is an added bonus. In fact many have attended just for personal reasons and gone onto become a Practitioner.

Please let me know if you have any questions, by return email, or SMS my mobile:  0410417053

M: 040417053
