Accredited Level 1 and 2 EFT Courses, Hobart, Tasmania
**Due to the current rules about gatherings, I have been contacted by a lot of perspective students asking
**Due to the current rules about gatherings, I have been contacted by a lot of perspective students asking
Note from Karl Dawson- Creator of Matrix Reimprinting re Matrix Past Life Reimprinting. Earlier this year I had a
2 Days of the Matrix Reimprinting Foundation Course plus 2 days of Specific Issues. Purpose of 2 days Specific Issues
Pre requisite EFT level 1 and 2 Matrix Reimprinting is the powerhouse use of EFT. Through this process, you will
Pre requisite EFT level 1 and 2 Matrix Reimprinting is the powerhouse use of EFT. Through this process, you will
Note from Karl Dawson- Creator of Matrix Reimprinting re Matrix Past Life Reimprinting. Earlier this year I had
Wether you want to heal yourself or others, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting are amazingly simple, effective tools to assist healing
Pre requisite EFT level 1 and 2 Matrix Reimprinting is the powerhouse use of EFT. Through this process, you will
Many people give up on talk therapy to heal their trauma because they get tired of rehashing the same memories
EFT or Tapping, is fast becoming the modality of choice for personal development and core healing. Easy to learn and