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Dear EFT and/or Matrix Reimprinting Practitioners,

Well, this day is long over due!

Why attend a support day?

Reconnect with students you met on your course

Meet new students

Your opportunity to share experience and success with these amazing techniques.

Your opportunity to ask questions about EFT/MR or Biocompass Issues

You could win 1 of 2 door prizes:

A Free 40 Minute MR session with me   or

       – Cheryl Whites’ book ‘So now I’m a Practitioner? Help!’

I will be doing a demo on how to clear energetic cords/ties, in the Matrix.

A chance to Practice your EFT/MR skills and clear more blocks with support around.

These events are always fun and educational.

*I have just had some amazing news from Karl today 9/8- which I should be able to share by this event, which will have a huge benefit for those who are keen to educate and spreadthe word to others about EFT and MR- watch this space *

Hope to see you there.

Regards Caroline

M: 0410417053





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