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The magical, serene, tropical, coastal  town of Tin Can Bay is the perfect place to get away on a educational holiday.

Look over the creek and boats as you learn these powerful, empowering, easy to apply techniques of EFT and Matrix Reimprinting.

Enjoy the comfort of a lovely townhouse, with great energy to take away the stresses of current day life and escape to some sense of normality.

Arriving from interstate – all good

It is easy to travel by air or car.

Airports: Hervey Bay and the Sunshine Coast both an 1 1/4 away (help with tranfers can be arranged to Tin Can Bay)

Accommodation: Depending on length of stay and sharing a house for example, cost can be as little as $40- $60 per night  (assistance can be given to help you arrange this)

Feeding of the Dolphins is just 5 minutes walk from the venue and at 7am every day, so could be attended before class.

Would like to stay longer to integrate and relax after the course(s)?

Other hings you may like to do are:

Visit the gorgeous Rainbow Beach (named because of the variation in sand colours) and surrounds.

An organised tour to see Dolphin pods by kayak

An organised tour to visit the magical Fraser Island (just a 30 minute drive and 10 minute ferry ride  from Tin Can Bay)

(Assistance available to help you organise any of the extra activities)

Only 6 seats left at the time of advertising.

If you are interested and like to know more or reserve your seat, please contact Caroline on M; 0410417053




Pre requisite EFT level 1 and 2 (3 days)

Matrix Reimprinting is the powerhouse use of EFT achieving core healing and transformations.

On this Practitioner Training Course, you will learn how to easily access RELEVANT memories, for any issues, that require healing and how MR is the more gentle application of EFT, minimising any re traumatising, discovering core limiting beliefs to heal on a deep sub conscious level.

With MR we achieving great results helping people heal from:
Allergies, phobias, PTSD, bullying/abuse, grief and so much more.

Why attend this accredited Course:

To gain more comprehensive knowledge about how physical/psychological issues come from trauma.

  • A deeper understanding of basic principles of psychology in an easy to understand way. A deeper understanding of shock/freeze and how that affects our biology.
  • To understand how EFT is applied in the Matrix Reimprinting protocol to discharge shock and freeze moments at the source of when it happened.
  • To attain more healing for yourself
  • To progress as an EFT Practitioner and help clients have more profound result
  • To be on board with the Matrix Reimprinting movement, led by Karl Dawson the Founder and EFT original Master. We currently have around 30 Trainers Worldwide and 2 Hay House Published Books, translated into about 12 languages so far, including Korean, Japanese, Chinese.

Certification process:
If you wish to become certified as a Practitioner, there are 2 options:

1. Attend the Matrix Reimprinting for Specific Issues 2 day Training. See the description on the events page.


2. Registration on the Matrix Reimprinting Membership website (99 Pounds annual membership)
Watching the required extra videos containing filmed demonstrations on various themes and experts education (about 17 hours)
Complete the online multiple choice test on the Membership site.
(There are no case studies required)
Once you have completed the above, you will receive a Practitioner Certificate and you can put your own profile on the membership website.

For more information, availability or to reserve your seat, please contact Caroline on M:0410417053
email: 1111transform@gmail.com

At EFTMRA (EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Academy) we do not provide medical or psychological advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. The Practitioners/Trainers at EFTMRA provide general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care, and you should not use the information in place of a visit, call consultation or the advice of your physician or other healthcare provider. EFTMRA is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products you obtain through this Academy.
Any person intending to take part in any of the services provided must inform the proprietor or one of the practitioners if they have any physical, psychological or mental health issues of any kind prior to enrolment.
Thank you

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