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EFT Universe Money Mastery Training, Melbourne Metro, March 18-19, 2017

There are many things that we cannot control regarding the global economy. However, one thing we can influence is whether our beliefs work in our favor or against us regarding our personal economy. This weekend workshop is devoted to teaching you ways to turn the tide in your favor. I know, that makes it sound just so simple doesn’t it? After all we all know that: “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” “You’ve got to work hard to make a living,” “Money is the root of all evil!” “Money burns holes in my pocket,” and “There’s no such thing as a free lunch!”

Cliches may seem trite, but not if they become belief systems that we live by. In this life-changing workshop, we will explore your personal Money Archetypes and any hidden blocks that you have to experiencing a sense of freedom around finances. One of the most powerful tools we will be utilizing to alter your beliefs about money and success and financial worthiness is the Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT tapping. EFT Money Master Trainers, Alina Frank and Craig Weiner facilitate this journey to detaching from belief systems that are born out of past experiences that continue to live on through your money choices decisions.

The Bad News: Merely “knowing that it’s a belief system” is not enough to change it. It requires more. Sure there are effective ways to educate yourself about investing and thrifty spending, but that still does not usually change lifelong patterns of attitude and behavior. According to top business coaches, the #1 reason people fail to achieve success is that they carry erroneous but powerful limiting beliefs. Unfortunately, up to 90% of those beliefs can be beyond our awareness, trapped in the subconscious mind and acting on financial decisions without you having a say about them!

“Attending this workshop has been a real blessing in my life. Craig and Alina are absolutely knowledgeable and authentic in their presentation.”

“Fantastic workshop! Learned so much for myself and my certification. Alina and Craig provided an informative and safe workshop. I was able to have some huge personal insights and breakthroughs. Everyone got guidance and personal attention when needed. A great balance of exercises, games, teamwork, one on one work etc. It was the first time I truly let my guard down and accepted what came up and worked on it. Exhausting but gratifying. They make a great team. Hard to express the many gifts that came and will continue to come from having taken this workshop.”

Isn’t it time for you to be using EFT for Money Blocks and take the Money Mindfulness Mastery Training?

Now more than ever the world needs you to shine!

EFT Money Mindfulness Mastery is presented by EFT Tapping Training and offered through EFT Universe as an approved EFT Universe Specialty Workshop

Open to the general public and EFT Universe students on the certification track may apply this their second EFT Level II or III requirement.

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