From disinterest to International Trainer. What changed my mind about learning EFT?
When I first heard about EFT (Tapping, I was not interested for the first couple of times hearing about it.
When I first heard about EFT (Tapping, I was not interested for the first couple of times hearing about it.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Training Courses are open to everyone with no previous experience or background necessary. You can learn
When trained in the right way, EFT is very simple and easy to use to get great results, with minimal
When trained in the right way, EFT is very simple and easy to use to get great results, with minimal
Wether you want to heal yourself or others, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting are amazingly simple, effective tools to assist healing
Starting 2nd August, these amazing transformative Workshops, which give you the opportunity to start an exciting new career helping people
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques are fast becoming the techniques of choice for self understanding and gentle healing at a core
Many people give up on talk therapy to heal their trauma because they get tired of rehashing the same memories
I teach EFT in a way that is not just easy to understand, but easy to apply and still gets great
Hi there, If you are looking to find a way to profoundly change your life and find your true life