Matrix Past Life Practitioner

Learn the tools to confidently work with Past Lives using Matrix Reimprinting

Would you like to be able to work elegantly and confidently with past life trauma?

Has past life energy come up during a Matrix Reimprinting, EFT session or past life regression and you’d like to know the most effective way to work with it?

Practitioners and trainers repeatedly report how often past lives arise to be worked on and that working with the ECHOs can have incredible healing shifts.

Resolving past life trauma can be the missing key to creating healing ripples in your life.

This new training is designed to equip you with all the tools, questions and examples you need to feel confident when working with past lives in the matrix – which is one of the most beautiful and healing ways to work with trauma.

Past lives…

Are they real?

Are they metaphors?

Are they important?

Ultimately we (and our clients) will all have our own beliefs regarding past lives.

It is not our place to judge or impose our own ideologies – as practitioners we need to ensure that we are equipped in a way that best serves the person we are working with, practically, emotionally and safely.

After lengthy exploration and client sessions, this deep dive training has been created by Caroline Dawson, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting trainer, creator of Matrix Past Life Reimprinting (MPLR).

Pre requisite: Attendance on the EFT Level 2 (3day course), Matrix Reimprinting Foundation Practitioner Course (2 day)

Topics Covered:

.The journey of MPLR till now
• Carolines Matrix Past Life Reimprinting journey
• How to easily access relevant past lives.
• The ‘Matrix Past Life Reimprinting’(MPLR) protocol
• Were we once animals?
• The signs and symptoms of past life influences.
• Other methods of accessing past lives
• How we can heal physical and psychological disease by accessing and healing past lives.
• What are dreams telling us?• The power of surrogate MPLR
• Working between lives (In spirit)
• Is a personality disorder or split personality a past life archetype?
• A powerful grounding technique

Newly added topic: How to resolve negative Karma through MPLR.

Dates: 8th 9th February 2023

Location:  Holiday Inn, Brighton Seafront

137 Kings Road

Times: 9.30am till 5.30pm

Attendance Fee: 295 pounds.

Refresher fee from previous live training: 100 pounds

For any questions that need answering, please contact Caroline via Email:


Deposit of 50 pounds required to secure your seat:

Please go to Paypal  


When making a deposit payment of 50 pounds, please reference Brighton MPLR and your name