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Note from Karl Dawson- Creator of Matrix Reimprinting re Matrix Past Life Reimprinting.


Earlier this year I had a personal revelation with regard to the importance of past lives with Matrix Reimprinting

One realization was that from a quantum science perspective – are they really even past lives? Don’t traumatized ECHOs from previous lives, as with all our ECHO’s in the matrix, exist simultaneously, in the NOW!


For many years I have often said ‘We have enough to deal with in this life’ and only go to past lives if they naturally appear during a session, but now I have come to understand the healing of past lives can fast track healing issues in this life.

For many years my Sister Caroline who heads up the EFTMRA in Australia and New Zealand had talked about the profound experience she’d had personally and with many clients when working with past lives.

So it was Caroline I turned too to create an online program for Practitioners who wanted to learn more about working with past lives.

Following the success of this webinar series she co-produced with Kate Marillat, Caroline is offering this very valuable information as a two day live workshop.

She has just completed the first in India, so while in the in the UK spending Christmas with our family, Caroline would like to offer you the opportunity to attend a special one off UK workshop with her next weekend at the Kings Court in Alcester, near Stratford-Upon-Avon


So please let me introduce you to my sister Caroline to explain more………….”


 Below from Caroline Dawson- ‘Founder Matrix Past Life Reimprinting’


Ever since I have been focusing on Matrix Past Life Reimprinting (MPLR) I have come to realize more and more that our past lives are highly relevant to our current issues be it with health, prosperity, relationships, work, family life and many other problems

We are also finding that using the various techniques of accessing a past life, such as the advanced form of ‘following the energy’ we are able to get to ‘key events’ in past lives which have a fundamental effect on subsequent lives due to the beliefs we bring from them


This is why I’m so passionate about teaching MPLR, to expand our MR communities skills and self healing.


Whilst some of you will have signed up or the MPLR package, I have added in some extra topics that are proving to be very popular.


Content includes:


*Signs that a person is ‘tuning in’ to a past life

*Success stories

*Were we once animals?

*How to easily access past lives, with the right techniques

*Matrix Past Life Reimprinting Protocol




*Soul relationships

*How ‘entities’ (passed over souls) can affect client sessions, clearing strategies  and protection.

*Money and wealth issues- Application to MPLR protocol and …some very effective manifesting tools including Matrix Future Reimprinting.
*Some Meta Health concepts- How it applies to MPLR

*Healing issues between lives


Plus the chance to be a part of demo’s and do some live practice plus self healing, ready for 2019.


Healing a past life was what took me from being a nurse to an Entrepreneur!

Pre requisite:   Attendance of Matrix Reimprinting Foundation Workshop



Deposit $100

PayPal account:    caroline@efttraining.com.au

(paid to friends/family please to avoid fees)

To attend, please contact me (Caroline Dawson):
Email-  caroline@efttraining.com.au



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